Uudenmaankadun akryyli ja DIVERSE

Nylandsgatans akryl och diverse
Uudenmaankatu 11, 00120 Helsinki
Puhelin: 045-848 5005

Kesk - Pe 11-17.30

La 12-16

Su Ma Ti suljettu

Olemme iloisia ja ylpeitä saadessamme myydä kultaustuotteita perinteiseltä italialaiselta Giusto Manetti Battiloro Spa:lta. Näin yritys esittelee itsensä:

Giusto Manetti Battiloro is one of the world’s leading producers of gold leaf. Bolstered by a history spanning over 400 years, a tenacious passion for quality, and a continuous propensity to invest in the future, the company’s corporate policy is based on four main pillars:

* the value of tradition, handed down by fifteen generations of the Manetti family;

* love for quality, cultivated by specialised workers, an unparalleled knowledge of the product, and constant attention to customer needs;

* ethical conduct, put into practice through respect for the rights of employees and collaborators, loyalty to commitments made with customers and suppliers, and support for the local territory;

* investment in innovation, supported by the continuous upgrading of production processes, the development of new technologies, and the ongoing training of the human resources.

Meillä on omassa varastossamme (myymälässämme Uudenmaankadulla 11) huolella valittu pienehkö valikoima yrityksen tuotteita, mutta voimme toimittaa sen koko laajan valikoiman.

Giusto Manetti Battiloron sivuilta löytyy yrityksen "Gilding Academy", joka koostuu yli kymmenestä kultaamiseen liittyvästä opetusvideosta. Erittäin suositeltavaa!

Gilding Academy

Myymälämme tuotteiden hinnasto:

Product PRICE
Gold leaf, 22K, 8x8 cm, 5 loose leaves 15,75 €
Gold leaf, 22K, 8x8 cm, 5 transfer leaves 16,25 €
Gold leaf, 22,75K, 8x8 cm, 5 loose leaves 16,25 €
Gold leaf, 22,75K, 8x8 cm, 5 transfer leaves 16,25 €
Water size mixtion 125 ml 7,50 €
Water size mixtion 250 ml 10,00 €
Wunda size mixtion 125 ml 7,50 €
Wunda size mixtion 250 ml 10,00 €
Acrylic bole (ready to use), yellow - 110 ml 11,75 €
Acrylic bole (ready to use), red - 110 ml 11,75 €
Imitation gold leaf (col. 2,5), 14x14 cm, 25 loose leaves 7,25 €
Imitation gold leaf (col. 2), 14x14 cm, 25 loose leaves 7,25 €
Aluminium leaf, 14x14 cm, 25 loose leaves 7,25 €
Imitation gold leaf (col. 2,5) 16x16 cm, 100 loose leaves 9,50 €
Imitation gold leaf (col. 2) 16x16 cm, 100 loose leaves 9,50 €
Synthetic protection 125 ml 7,50 €

Nylandsgatans akryl och diverse   |   Uudenmaankatu 11, 00120 Helsinki   |   Puhelin: 045-848 5005   |   info(at)